Hydroponics is a well-known method of growing plants with the use of a water solution. This kind of method allows plants to absorb nutrients and oxygen easily, which are both essential for their growth. This system doesn’t make use of soil. Instead, it supports the root with rockwool, perlite, peat moss, clay pellets, or vermiculite. There are various types of hydroponics; one of which is the hydroponic drip system.
The hydroponic system helps plants grow bigger and faster as compared to the plants grown in soil
Drip irrigation, also known as drip growing system, is a kind of micro-irrigation type of hydroponic system that is utilized to save water and nutrients by just allowing the water to drip to the roots of plants from above or below of the soil surface. With its easy yet flexible and efficient concept, no wonder why it’s considered to be the most commonly used type among all types of hydroponic system.
Using hydroponic system is a way of helping the environment since it reduces waste and pollution that soil runoff brings
This works by having a timer control a submersed pump. The timer is set to turn the pump on. After which, the nutrient solution should drip onto the base of plants with the help of the drip line.
2 Types of Hydroponic Drip System
2 Types of Drip Systems
Recirculating/Recovery Drip System
This is the most commonly used type of drip growing system for home growers. This is because recirculating or recovery drip system collects back the nutrient solution that runs off into the water reservoir so that it may be used again. Thus, this type of drip system uses water more efficiently. Aside from that, this system works well even with an inexpensive timer since this doesn’t require exact control of the watering cycles.
However, same as the other hydroponic system that recirculates, a recovery drip system’s nutrient solution may change both the pH and nutrient strength levels. This is because the plants use up the water’s nutrients when it circulates repeatedly. Hence, there’s a need to periodically check the system, adjust the pH when needed, and change the nutrient solution regularly for the plants to have a balanced nutrient solution.
Non-recirculating/Non-recovery Drip System
This is the kind of drip system that is used mostly by commercial growers. Though this does not reuse runoff water like the recovery system, non-circulating actually saves. This is because they require precise control of the watering cycles. With the use of the system’s special cycle timers, they adjust the watering times to ensure that the plants get enough nutrient solution, as well as to avoid having much runoff.
Unlike the recirculating system, non-recirculating doesn’t require heavy maintenance. Since this doesn’t collect back the runoffs, then the reservoir may be filled with balanced pH and nutrient solution. Thus, this doesn’t require regular monitoring. However, there’s still a need to keep the water circulating or moving in the reservoir for the heavy minerals not to settle at the bottom. This will keep a balanced pH adjusted nutrient solution.
How Does To a Hydroponics Drip System Operate?
With the use of containers, submersible fountain or pond pump, a light timer, some tubings, and growing media, a hydroponics drip system can already be created. So, there isn’t much material needed in setting up a hydroponics drip system. Its operation is as simple as its setup.
The pump absorbs the nutrient solution from the reservoir and lets it pass through the tubings to drip out onto the growing media. Then, the nutrient solution goes down soaking the roots as well as the growing media. Then, it goes back to the reservoir. The cycle should be repeated 2-4 times a day in order to give a great outcome for plants’ growth.
Setting up a large hydroponic system may be difficult, especially for beginners
Why Should We Have The Drip Systems Hydroponics?
Apparently, a hydroponic drip system can offer a massive increase in plants’ growth. With this, plants can grow 20% faster than soil gardening. Aside from that, plants will be able to yield at least 25% as compared to their soil counterparts.
This is due to the fact that the nutrients that plants need for them to grow can easily be obtained through hydroponics drip systems. Of course, these benefits will be enjoyed more if the system carefully set up and maintained. So, to have the biggest, most delicious, and nutritious plants, installing hydroponics drip system is the best choice for one.
It is blatant that hydroponic system’s advantages outweigh its said disadvantages
Some Tips In Operating a Hydroponics Drip Systems
- It is advisable to change the nutrient solution every two to three weeks.
- Maintain the temperature of the water in the reservoir between 65 and 75 degrees with a heater or water chiller.
- To increase circulation and to keep the water oxygenated, having an air pump with an air stone connected through a flexible tubing is a must.
- Check the pH so that it may be adjusted whenever plants look unhealthy. If the unhealthy look is not because of pH, then clean your system with a solution.
- It is also advisable to keep track of the feeding cycle recommended to by the nutrients manufacturers.
- Every time you finish a growing cycle, clean, and sterilize the whole system. Clean the reservoir by draining it and remove any excess or debris. Running the whole drip growing system with a non-chlorine bleach and water for a day is helpful, too. Then, remove the excess of the bleach with a clean water.
The Hydroponic Drip System is considered as the most preferred type of hydroponics. Most home growers prefer the recirculating system while commercial growers opt for the non-recirculating system. Nevertheless, both system needs careful planning and installation to achieve the expected harvest.
Which of the two drip systems do you think suits your hydroponics preference? Let us know by commenting below. Also, don’t forget to share!
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