Lucy M. Clark, Founder of Garden Ambition
Hi there, it’s Lucy M. Clark. I am the founder and chief editor of Garden Ambition. My love for gardening and healthy foods is the starting point of why I started this blog.
Starting and maintaining your garden is not as easy as it sounds. There is a sea of gardening blogs that you can find online, but more than half of them are unfiltered and are too technical for average readers.
Garden Ambition consists of a reliable team, including yours truly, who filters too technical advice into an easy-to-understand content that you can easily grasp. We also make sure that what we share are proven, efficient gardening stuff that actually work and are safe to follow.
This blog is made possible with a hopeful goal of helping aspiring garden enthusiasts in their quest to starting and maintaining a safe and healthy home garden. So, if you are one of us– the garden fanatics, then this blog is for you!
Common Garden Myths: Let’s Get Them Straight
The primary purpose of this blog is to share with you gardening tips and stuff that are efficient and safe. But before you get any further, I want to straighten out some common and generic myths that you should stop believing about gardening. These mistaken beliefs only prove how authentic and well-researched information are overlooked by many.
Myth #1: It’s all About Having a Green Thumb
Is having a green thumb necessary to start growing crops?
If you sincerely believe this myth, then it is high time you stop doing so. The green thumb may exist, but claiming that people who have this innate ability are the only ones capable of starting a garden is somewhat absurd. Some people might have the natural ability to grow plants easily, but it doesn’t mean that it cannot be learned.
When it comes to growing crops and plants, talent is just a bonus. The dedication and perseverance you put into learning the ropes is much more important.
I am tired of hearing people using this myth as an excuse for not having their garden at home. I don’t believe I have the green thumb either, but it didn’t stop me from giving it a try and making it work. So, if you have this mentality, we at Garden Ambition are telling you to follow this blog, do your own research, and start planning your dream garden. We’ll support you all the way!
Myth #2: Organic Pesticide is Safe to Use
Pesticides are used on fruits to grow them fast!
Chemical pesticides have a lot of harmful effects on our health, making organic pesticides seem like a much better choice. But in reality, even the organic pesticide can cause detrimental effects. For instance, Rotenone is a type of organic pesticide extracted from the roots of a tropical bean species. The fact that it is made from root plants gives the impression that it is harmless and safe to use. However, a study shows that Rotenone can actually be toxic to humans. It is considered moderately hazardous by the World Health Organization.
With this in mind, it is wrong to assume that organic pesticide is safe to use. It may cause fewer side effects as compared to chemical pesticide, but nevertheless, it still poses a threat to our health.
Myth #3: Gardening is Expensive!
Is gardening expensive? Says who?
Now, this is quite a debatable topic. But let me explain why I think this is nothing but a myth. You probably already know that gardening requires certain maintenance like fertilizers, soil care, pesticides, and the likes, making most people think that you need to fish out a huge amount of money when starting your garden. But it isn’t the case in all plants and vegetables. Some plants need high-maintenance while others don’t need a lot.
For starters, it is recommended that you start growing plants that don’t need intensive care like perennial bushes and perennial edibles. Once you’ve established the garden well enough, then you can start growing other plants and crops. Also, if you know how to innovate some tools and do your research to avoid purchasing those expensive garden tools, then gardening will never cause a hole in your savings.
On the other note, gardening actually helps you save money. We all know how insanely expensive vegetables and spices may get, especially during off-peak season. And living in a country where seasons can change quite fast, this usually happens a lot. Having your own garden at home is an excellent source of healthy foods and good exercise.
Why You Should Follow Us?
There is already a lot of trashy content online, and we don’t want to add to that. Hence, here at Garden Ambition, we always think of you, our readers, as our priority. If you haven’t decided to follow us yet, here are four reasons why you should and why people love our work:
1. We Value Your Feedback, and We Hate to Disappoint Our Readers
Garden Ambition always shares high-quality content.
My team and I will always strive hard to give you high-quality and relevant content. We filter the garden tips and advice found online and only pick those few that actually work. Therefore, you can guarantee that what you get is genuine and well-researched information from credible sources.
2. We Make It Simple
We understand how irritating it is to read content that is full of jargons and technicalities. We share content for real people and not for computers; hence, My team and I always make sure that what you read are easy to comprehend.
3. We Give Genuine Reviews
Best and most genuine product reviews about garden tools.
Part of this blog is the review of gardening tools and equipment. Unlike other reviews found online, we only provide genuine and unbiased reviews. We do our thorough research and suggest a few products or two, but we will never impose anything on you. We merely give advice based on what we’ve researched so that you can make an informed decision on your own.
4. We Listen and Support Our Readers in Every Possible Way We Can
We care about our followers and would extend help in every possible way we can. Hence, rest assured that we always listen to what you say, what your problems are, and then address them in our next articles. This way, we can help you solve real problems that you are currently experiencing . If you reach out to us, we will definitely find time to respond.
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I guess it’s safe to say that one of our edges over other gardening blogs out there is that we do care and we exert efforts to understand your concerns and issues. We take full responsibility for what we posted on the blog; thus, we want to know if what we share has helped you in any way.