Growing the fleshy and fruiting bodies of the thriving mushrooms is a rewarding hobby of any ambitious gardener. Mushrooms always pack a nutritious punch before making their way to your plate, when grown on a year round cycle. Mushroom growing seems complicated to some people but it’s always better to grow your own food than risk picking wild mushrooms.
Close up of large Portobello mushrooms placed on wooden cutting board
The fresh-picked flavor that you will enjoy in homegrown produce can instantly soothe your stretched nerves. Only the true lovers of mushrooms and gardening know the magic these earthly delights can bring the soulful consciousness of the garden. The main principals to the production of Portobello Mushrooms are retaining the right growing conditions an acquiring a making mushroom spawn.
Raw Portobello Mushrooms on table with cutting board, knife, and herbs
Do you always dream of producing a bountiful harvest of magical Portobello Mushrooms in your home garden? Then get ready to dip into the growing techniques and learn how to load your garden with the mature version of mushroom:
Indoor Portobello Mushroom Production
If you are a novice in the process of growing mushrooms, then buying a mushroom kit packed with growing medium is a good way to start. Just open the kit, mist regularly, and place them in a dark, cool location. After few weeks, mushrooms will start sprouting and then you can easily impress the picky-eater of your home.
Portobello Mushrooms with rosemary and onions on wooden table
Suitable Temperature
Mushrooms generally grow best at an even temperature of 1 degree Celsius.
Mushroom Spores
An alternative way of growing mushrooms easily is to buy Portobello Mushroom spores, which are basically seeds of the mushrooms.
Buy Pre-Made Spawn
For skipping the process of germinating spores, you can buy a pre-made spawn. Spawn acts as a medium or bed for the mushrooms to grow in, that usually comes in the form of a jar or bag of grains.
Growing Process
- First of all, select a cool and dark room where you can control the environment. Then adjust the room temperature up to 70 degrees F.
- Fill the growing tray, with compost and then sprinkle the mushroom spores and press it down firmly.
- Let the inoculated compost set in the dark for few days until you see white webbing appear in the compost.
- Then, pre-moisten peat moss and cover the tray with its 2-inch thick layer. After that, top the peat moss layer with newspaper and mist it daily with water.
- After the time span of 10 days, remove the newspaper, and let them grow in full-sized mushrooms.
- Finally, harvest when they reach 4 to 6 inches in diameter.
Extreme close up of Portobello mushroom growing in wild
Outdoor Portobello Mushroom Production
You can save money the easy way by growing a garden of mushrooms in outdoor beds.
Soil Choice
For outdoor production of Portobello mushrooms; choose a lawn where the soil is rich and moist. Soil that contains plenty of decayed organic matter is the best choice for the production of meaty and fleshy mushrooms.
Required Temperature
Make sure to monitor the outdoor temperature on a regular basis while planting Portobello Mushrooms outside. The daytime temperature should not exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperature should not dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Growing Process
- Raise a thick bed of 4 feet wide and 4 feet long with a depth of 8 inches. Loosen the underlying soil and mix it with well-seasoned manure based compost.
- Spread the mushroom spawns over the soil, press it down firmly to the depth of 1cm and moisten in dry weather.
- After 2 weeks, you will begin to see a white film appear over the soil that signifies that your spores start growing.
- Keep on monitoring the growth as well as soil moisture and adjust as needed.
Still life of Portobello mushrooms captured with high focus
In both cases, the growth of the Portobello Mushrooms depends on the environment and the quality of soil. Once they start thriving, the growth will start to produce patched of greener grass. So next time, when you’re any friend will ask you about how to grow Portobello mushrooms? You can tell him the whole procedure in a quick manner and gain all the appreciation for your deep knowledge.
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