I absolutely love beautiful bamboo plants! They are the epitome of Zen in your garden. They have a serene green color, and its stalks and leaves sway magnificently in the wind. People often wonder if bamboo is a grass or a tree. Bamboo is part of the Poaceae plant family, which is a family of…
How To Build A Garden Fence: Our Complete Guide
Gardening is one of the significant advantages of having a yard. With your own plot of green space, you can build a place to grow fruits and vegetables that are all yours. Of course, once you get started, you’ll realize that plenty of animals want to call your produce theirs as well. It’s a natural…
How to Pick the Best Kitchen Garden Seeds for Beginners
Purchasing kitchen garden seeds is a great way to enjoy flowers, herbs, and vegetables year-round no matter where you live.
When To Plant Daffodil Bulbs: Your Ultimate Guide
Know when to plant daffodil bulbs so they can announce spring with panache. A field of daffodils in your back yard? Yes, please.
How To Grow Corn Easily: Our Comprehensive Guide
Put simply, corn is fun and easy to grow in your home garden. Corn is so common in our grocery stores, that pretty much everyone recognizes it. It is relatively easy to grow, and its fast-growing stalks make for a dramatic growing experience. Even in a home garden, the resulting ears look just like the…
Top 8 Fast Growing Shade Trees For Your Garden
Planning a new garden is a lot of fun. It’s also hot and sweaty work without shade. That’s why you need to plant fast growing shade trees for your garden. Once you’ve got you’re garden layout the way you want it, planting fast growing shade trees is one of the first steps to building an…
How to Prune a Peach Tree and the Tools You Need to Make It Easy
Many people are going out and enjoying the fruits of nature more, quite literally. Sweet peaches have made their way all over the world, and the number of orchard visitors seems to grow every year. Through proper steps and tools, planting and learning how to prune a peach tree will turn into a tasty reward….
Make The Best Soil For Raised Beds For A Bountiful Harvest
Image Source: www.amazon.com Avid gardeners are turning to raised beds more and more often. And experts from a wide range of traditions continue to emphasize the many benefits. However, there are different opinions on what kind of soil or mix to use in them for a successful harvest. So, how do you find the best…
Everything You Need To Know About Square Foot Garden Spacing
Whether you’ve heard of square foot gardening before or have just discovered the movement, understanding the basics of square foot garden spacing can be overwhelming. With a square foot garden, you can grow a range of fruit and vegetables with less weeding, less wasted water, and less space. But even if you think you know…
Fun Facts About Snapdragons
Snapdragons are unique flowers with a cute and evocative name that very much fits their playful personality. The blossom of this short-lived perennial really does look like a tiny dragon; and behaves like one, too. When you pinch the dragon “jaw” of the two-lipped, tubular blossom on the sides, it will open and shut again…